MCO infrastructure on different Datacenters and clouds (OVH / GCP / AWS / SCaleway)
Linux servers (mainly Ubuntu and CentOS)
Management and automation of server deployment using ansible and gitlab CI/CD
IT supervision + GPUs via influxDB Cloud and Grafana Cloud + Graylog
user onboarding and offboarding
IT projects:
automation of Cluster SLURM creation on GCP
Build PMIX and singularity
Job supervision / GPUS / quotas and batches
Nextcloud + Collabora server migration
Automation of the creation of SSL certificates via traeffik and security
CMDB + IPAM implementation
Setting up Gitlab deployment pipeline to GCP *Cloud Run *Kubernetes
Secrets / Cloud SQL / Network / OS Variables…​
Creation of monitoring stack (Telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana) on premise
Application metrics monitoring (application stack on GCP)
GCP metrics monitoring (computes / Kubernets / Redis / Cloud SQL / Cloud Run…​)
Tip | Debian | Gitlab | Loki | GCP | GlusterFS | Grafana | Slurm | IPA | GKE | InfluxDB | Ansible | Terraform | GPU |